Just One Song: The Trapper’s Pelts — Yard Act

Jeff Farin
2 min readApr 24, 2022


Since I’ve returned from SXSW a month ago, I think I’ve played this song about 1,000 times.

It’s one of the most impactful songs I’ve heard in a long time.

It’s primitive, guttural, provocative, haunting, and extremely well put together.




What a day to be alive!

The state of everything

I know you saw the sign in the window

The braying fist on hollow wood

Sticky fingers on sugar glass

Are you really so? (desperate desperate desperate)

All that divides us is evil

All that unites us is evil

No, all that really divides is the binary hive mind

And the restraint that it takes, not to stick ourselves

Into every abstract object on the gallery shelves

Then the trapper came around

He was trying to sell me pelts

It was midday on a Monday

So all the smart people were at work

Trap music blaring from his furry boombox

The trapper tripped, I laughed he flipped, said

Shut your fucking trap!

Or I’ll eradicate nature, right now forever

Or I’ll eradicate nature, right now forever

So I bought all his pelts (all his pelts!)

At a bulk buy discount

I took out a small business loan

And I bought all his pelts

I threw them in the boot of my car and drove downtown

I pitched up a stall, outside the office blocks

And come five o’clock, it was so cold

That everybody needed one, everybody wanted two

So I upped the price and I bled them dry ’cause that’s what you do

And come six o’clock, I’d oversold

And my smile was made of solid gold

Solid gold

Of solid gold

Of solid gold

I collapsed under the weight of my own success (yes)

And driving away with my grapes, my many women

And my ginormous mountain of never ending blow

I saw the trapper disappear from my rear view mirror

With no pelts to call his own

Shivering, naked and alone

In the snow

The senseless charm, the gnawing guilt

(The trapper’s pelts, the trapper’s pelts!)

The senseless charm, the gnawing guilt

(The trapper’s pelts, the trapper’s pelts!)

The senseless charm, the gnawing guilt

(The trapper’s pelts, the trapper’s pelts!)

The senseless charm, the gnawing guilt

(The trapper’s pelts, the trapper’s pelts!)

H.M.R.C (pay as you feel)

So, why does this stick in my head so solidly?

  1. It’s a raw story, with lyrics so well crafted and e-NUN-ci-a-TED by front man James Smith. I’m about half deaf, and don’t generally pay much attention to lyrics, but Smith’s staccato style makes it unavoidable. And his messages are anything but subtle.
  2. The orchestration and interplay between Smithand his three band mates is perfect. Their timing is spot on. The coordination of piercing guitar blasts, the primitive pounding of tom-tom drums, and Smith’s impassioned storyline is exquisite.

I’m sure I’ll log another 1000 plays this month.



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